The LIMO is a national mathematics competition in which students from universities in The Netherlands and Belgium solve Mathematics problems to become the best team of that year's LIMO. LIMO is an abbreviation for the Dutch phrase "Landelijke Interuniversitaire Mathematische Olympiade" and is organised by active members from study associations of the participating universities.
This year, the LIMO is organised by the FMF - a study association from the Faculty of Science and Enginering at the University of Groningen. The committee organising the olympiad was established in December 2017. You can read more about the organisation here.
The problems that the participants try to solve are provided by established mathematicians and companies from The Netherlands and Belgium. The time span available for solving these problems is three hours. After these three hours, the exercises are checked by a group of volunteers and the winner is declared. During the day of the LIMO, there is also a lecture of a famous mathematician and the participants close of the day during a shared dinner. The problems are diversified in difficulty, such that not only more experienced mathematics students can show off their mathematics skills, but first- or second year students can contribute something to the competition as well.
Of course, the FMF cannot organise this large activity by itself. Luckily, a lot of parties have been found willing to help in the organisation. An exhaustive list of all our sponsors can be found in the bottom of this page.
This year's LIMO is held in English, with the view on internationalization within the organizing university and a general idea to have te competition open to all who are interested.
Below, you can view an example exercise of the LIMO of 2017.